Tuesday, June 30, 2015

What Are Types of Credit Card Fraud?

Credit card fraud is a real threat for merchants and consumers. As payment technology continues to advance through online, mobile and wireless processing capabilities, data theft and credit card fraud becomes more and more complex. The ability to understand and recognize common types of credit card fraud, as well as knowing how to prevent and respond to fraud, is crucial to protecting your business. As a credit card merchant, you need to know when or if your business is at risk, and you must communicate with your customers ways in which they can better protect themselves.
global credit card fraud - jafrum.com

Below, find common types of credit card fraud, and learn how to reduce the risk.
Identify Theft
Through access to a consumer’s personal information, including account numbers, Social Security numbers and credit card numbers, a thief can assume that consumer’s identity. With that person’s name and information, the thief can open up new accounts, make charges on existing accounts, and even apply for a job or rent an apartment. Thieves can steal identities by rummaging desks and trash, making it important for consumers to lock up or shred documents that contain sensitive information. Identity theft can also occur through data breaches, so merchants are responsible for securing their credit card process.  
Phishing Scams
Phishing scams occur online, often through emails sent to consumers. The emails are usually designed and written to make it seem like they are sent from a trustworthy source, such as a friend, family member, bank, financial institution or social networking site. In the email, consumers are requested to provide account numbers, login info, passwords or other sensitive data. Links contained in the email may direct consumers to a fake website that actually routes the data to identity thieves. To help protect your customers, remind them not to provide their information to anyone via email. If they are unsure if the email is legitimate, they should contact the source directly.
Counterfeit Credit Cards
Counterfeiting involves creating a fake credit card using information taken from a real credit card. Merchants who process card-present transactions, such as retail or restaurant merchants, must be able to spot counterfeit credit cards in order to protect their customers. Know what to look for: Real credit cards have special features that are hard to replicate, such as certain colors, holograms and other details. Make sure your employees know how to recognize fake cards, as well.
Reduce the Risk with PCI Compliance
Compliance with PCI DSS standards is required for credit card merchants, and helps reduce the risk of data theft and credit card fraud. PCI security features from BluePay include tokenization and end-to-end encryption.
Contact BluePay today to learn more about credit card processing services and security solutions.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Tight Fashions dress causes back pain &' problems

jafrum.com - credit card fraud
Its true if wear Tight Fashions clothes dress then it must causes back pain &  Health problems so don't use tight dress all time you can wear comfortable fashion dresses only .Tight dress Fashions causes back pain Many of us try to be stay fashionable and stylish with there tight dresses For this reason they wear more tight clothes. However Fashions dresses to emphasize the cause of nerve problems and leading to problems such as back pain this warn by experts .The experts from New Delhi MR. Suraj baphna explains back pain  this issue.

 Health problems and  back pain problems came to wear the fashion Tight clothes dress 

► Tight dress Fashions jeans causing stress on the muscles, waist, hips so its also It can cause the knee joint pains.
► wear heavy bags also lead to health problems. On one hand
► the most common putting bag in one side only so Putting more weight back on the same side of the bag to take on a greater burden. It can also cause back pain.
►In cities most women wear high heels on the  feet this causes exert pressure on the spin , muscles as deterioration and also problems with the blood circulation, digestion can also cause the kneecap. so use light weight comfortable footwear in this situation.
tips to avoid back pain &  Health problems from  fashion 

1) dont wear heavy dresses 
2) use light weight dresses 
3) use comfortable shoes it best for legs

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Malware at all time High

Malware is everywhere and isn’t about to disappear. The latest PandaLabs report says that last year alone, of all the malware that ever existed, cyber crooks created and distributed 20 percent of that. Malware comes in the form of Trojans, worms, viruses, adware/spyware and miscellaneous, with Trojans leading the pack.
Ransomware seems to be gunning for the top spot, though, with a recent resurgence.
What about 2014? The 2013 Annual Security Report anticipates that the Internet of Things and Android devices will head the headlines (Android continues to be a favorite target of cyber criminals).
PandaLabs foresees that Android will get socked by hundreds of thousands of new malware strains. In 2013, criminals unleashed over two million new malware threats for Android.

Another area of attack is social media, and in 2013, even large companies, movie stars and politicians were affected.

The Trojan is a true warrior, in that it’s responsible for three-quarters of attacks, says PandaLabs. There was a huge leap in the number of circulating viruses as well, and is attributed to basically two virus families: Xpiro and Sality, says Luis Corrons, the technical director for PandaLabs.
Sality has been around for quite some time, but Xpiro is the new virus on the block, and can infiltrate “executable files on 32-bit and 64-bit systems,” says Corrons.
We’re in the midst of the malware plague; never mind the Bubonic plague. The whole planet is under attack, but some countries more so than others. China is the most infected, along with Turkey and Ecuador: 54.03, 42.15 and 40.35 percent of compromised personal computers, respectively.
Of the 10 least harmed countries, nine are in Europe; the other is Japan. For Sweden, Norway and Finland, the percentage of infected personal computers is 20.28 percent, 21.13 percent and 21.22 percent, respectively.
Robert Siciliano is an Identity Theft Expert to AllClearID. He is the author of 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Your Identity Was Stolen See him knock’em dead in this identity theft prevention video. Disclosures.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Blog Post Introduction Must Have A Hook

Let me introduce you to introductions. Introductions are first impressions. You get to make them once.
Your blog post introduction must have a hook. Here are six good hooks to use in your blog post introductions.

1. Start with an interesting fact.

“Niagara Falls has traveled 7 miles upstream in the past 12,000 years. Let’s hope you’re growing your web traffic at a faster rate.”
Start with a fact that is interesting, because not all facts are. Facts that are uninteresting are facts that:
  • Are overused and often repeated.
  • Too common in your niche.
  • Related perfectly to your topic in an unsurprising way.
Pick facts that have nothing obviously to do with your topic (Niagara Falls and website traffic?), or are perfectly in line with your topic and thesis, but are so shocking as to be gasp-worthy. Unrelated facts make the reader think “how is this bozo going to tie that into the topic at hand?” while shocking facts make the reader think “that CANNOT be true, can it?!”
Either way, it’s a hook.

2. The end of the story first.

There are two ways to tell the end of the story first and have a successful hook.
Find a way to tell the end of the story without giving away the surprise.
“The 20,000 customer registered in our system, and the team let out a victorious yell. We’d hit our goal, thanks to the red button.”
How does the story end? Because that’s a perfect place to start.
In this example, the introduction tells the reader what happened, but it doesn’t do so in a way that ruins the surprise. There’s a lot of action, both by the final customer and the team. There’s the suggestion of a competition and success (a goal was met). And there’s a cryptic suggestion that a red button did something amazing. Plus, 20,000. That’s impressive for anyone wanting lots of customers.
This would be a less effective version of the introduction for that post:
“After five months of intense A/B testing in which we tested different CTA button colors, we finally hit 20,000 customers. Red was the winning color.”
There is jargon. There are unexplained acronyms. An inanimate button has become the winner instead of the people (customers and the team). What little action there is, is passive. And you spilled the beans on what the post was about: A/B testing colors.
Give a heads-up summation without giving away the surprise.
This method gives your reader some respect by saying “hey, this is what I’m going to talk about with you today. If this is interesting, stick around.” Derek Halpern tends to get right to the point with his blog posts, and often introduces them by telling readers what they can expect if they keep reading.

Adding “a quick request” is a fine bit of intrigue for the reader. “What in the world could Halpern want from me?” the reader thinks, and keeps on reading.
Knowing what’s coming and how things will end is helpful for readers. It gives them an idea of whether or not they should take the time and what expectations to have. The danger for you, the writer, is if you have an unexciting topic and give your readers a heads-up to that.
“Today I am going to talk about the value proposition of going paperless at your office, and ultimately prove that you will want to buy a small scanner and ban the paper.”
Meh. That’s not an introduction to remember for all eternity.
Halpern’s version has a bit more intrigue and zip, though, admittedly, some readers will appreciate the above example. It has its place, but isn’t the greatest hook.

3. Use an anecdote.

“I once wrote a newspaper story that killed a man.”
That’s the actual blog post introduction I wrote on a post for this blog. It’s a one-sentence anecdote. That’s an extremely short anecdote; most anecdotes are longer, like those you find in this post about social proof in which several anecdotes are used.
Anecdotes are wee bitty stories that put a larger idea or thesis in a different context. Speakers know that starting with a story instead of a philosophical or fact-filled lecture is a sure-fire way to get people’s attention. It’s the same for your readers.
What makes a good anecdote?
Something that happened to you, in your life.
This makes you the expert on how to apply the story and what it means. I would rather hear an anecdote about your trials and failures rather than the tired anecdote of how many times Edison tried to invent the lightbulb.
Something either funny or poignant.
Make ‘em laugh or make ‘em cry (or somewhere close). At the very least, end at a different level than where you started. You start at ground zero with your reader. Your anecdote can’t end there. It’s no hook if it does.
Something related to your thesis.
Don’t be that speaker that tells a random joke or story and then segues with an “but I digress” and launches into Yawnville. Your anecdote should illustrate your thesis in a new way, or start leading the reader’s thought patterns towards where you want to take them with your thesis.
A quote can work.
Quotations can work, and sometimes make a fine opening. But people quickly get in the habit of using the words of others to boost their own, so watch out for overuse of this technique. And avoid quotations that are overused for your niche. Steve Jobs had some good things to say, but after a while, those excellent words lose their power because they are overused. Find new quotations from surprising sources.
And avoid quotations that are overused for your niche. Steve Jobs had some good things to say, but after a while, those excellent words lose their power because they are overused. – @JulieNeidlingerClick To Tweet

4. Ask a (worthwhile) question.

Yes, there are stupid questions, and a good share of them are rhetorical.
In their best use, asking a question is a fine way to force the reader to identify with the problem you are about to solve. Questions can be powerful.
But some questions are a waste of time.
Go easy with rhetorical questions. 
“What are we going to do about your low-performing blog?”
Rhetorical questions cannot be answered by the reader.
They are asked not to prompt thinking or discover knowledge, but to make a point.
They are often dramatic. They can be insulting.
“Have you stopped beating your dog yet?” is a classic example. The question assumes someone is being cruel to an animal. It can’t really be answered. Or “How do you solve a problem like Maria?“, which assumes first that Maria is a problem.
It’s similar to what I see being used a lot in lead generation and calls-to-action where one button says “Yes, I want more traffic. Take my email!” while the other button says “No, I want to see my website die a painful slow death.” Rhetorical questions set up the reader in a similar, psychological way. The reader has to accept the underlying assumption in order to answer. It can work, but if you make an offensive or insulting assumption, your reader leaves.
Use rhetorical questions carefully.
Don’t ask questions intended to limit the answer.
Pet peeve alert: I despise when people speak in questions so they can pre-empt any difficult or real questions and give softball answers. Here’s how it works (and I’m sure you’ll recognize the technique):
“Do I love web traffic? Yes. Did I mean to send my disgruntled blog readers a skunk in the mail? Of course not.”
By asking the questions you, the writer, want to answer instead of providing the answers the reader wants, you can create the appearance of forthright and complete discussion without actually doing so. Plus, you slip into passive voice of sorts, where you don’t own the action and behavior. How does that work in an introduction?
“Do I love web traffic? Yes. Do I know the secret to building it? You bet.”
Ok, we get it. But what a waste of your reader’s time.
“My love of web traffic is bested only by my ability to build it.”
Kind of a silly example, but you get the idea: be direct, not passive.
Don’t ask obvious questions.
Every time I find myself tapping out an introduction that starts with “do you want more traffic on your blog?” I’m sure somewhere a philosopher dies. What I’m trying to do is tell the reader “yes, this is the post you were looking for” but what I’m really telling the reader is “I don’t know how to write.”
Do you want more traffic on your blog?
Really? That’s your Bob Woodward?
98 percent of blog owners want more traffic. Yeah, we don’t understand that remaining two percent, either.
You can identify with your reader without asking them obvious questions that they skim over.

5. Go for the cliffhangers.

Robert Bruce (who is someone else entirely than Robert the Bruce) is a writer and a tease.
Once in a while — but not too often, mind you — he sends out an email of Unusually Short Stories. He also posts them on his web site. He is all sparseness and tortuous brevity, his unusually short stories impeccable. They hook, and leave you hanging off the cliff.
Take a page from Bruce’s book: these are the introductory paragraphs that get readers hooked. I know, because I’ve sat and stared at them willing the next sentence to appear (which will not happen).
I’m a firm believer mimicking and dissecting the successful work of others as a form of practice. Artists often paint from the masters to learn about color, light, and technique (I’ve done it). While at a writers’ conference a few months ago, best-selling author James Hall told of a class he taught his graduate students (which included Dennis Lehane) where they were instructed to find a novel they loved and write their own novel based on the structure of it. He later turned this class into a book called Hit Lit: Cracking The Code Of The 20th Century’s Biggest Best Sellers.
So let’s look at Bruce’s example. What makes it work? It’s only two sentences, and I’m dying to read the next paragraph.
The setup tells us there is a competition known only to us (we have exclusive knowledge). There is a setting, both in place and time. And we know the startling end result. The cliffhanger isn’t what happened next, but what happened in between. How do you get from intriguing point A to hilarious and startling point Z?
So. A cliffhanger can be either “what happens next” or “what happened in between.” Let’s say your headline was:
How We Went From Zero To 10,000 Customers In Just One Year. 
Here’s an example of a “what happened in between” cliffhanger:
“We started with three team members and a plant in the window. One year later, we were taking sledgehammers to the office walls.”
The rest of the post talks about how you grew your customer base, and how it meant your team grew, too, and you had to expand your office space. (Or how things went poorly and you demolished the office in a fit of rage, but let’s hope not.)

6. Gentle confrontation can be a friend.

“You were getting 100 new sign-ups a week, and thought your email conversion rate was as good as it could get. But you were wrong, and I’ll tell you why.”
Confrontation is sure to get a reader’s attention. Of course, not all confrontation is created equal. There is insulting and trollish confrontation (always wrong), and there is gentle confrontation. A gentle confrontation takes a soft swipe at a controversy, or pokes a long-held belief of the reader in a way that encourages them to read on and reconsider. What happens when you do that?
  1. The reader feels indignant and keeps reading if only to prepare to prove you wrong. Or the reader is intrigued and keeps reading to see if it’s true.
  2. The reader skips to the end and leaves a ranting comment never having read your post, meaning you have to gently say “but I said that later in my post.”
So in the case of the first reaction, gentle confrontation can be a friend. In the case of the second reaction…less so.
Either way, introductions that are confrontational can often lead to active comment sections.